Club Matas
Issue 19 | June 2011
Wunderman A/S
Creative Team
Creative Directors: Mark Stokbro and Stina Buchhave; Art Director: Mark Stokbro; Copywriter: Stina Buchhave
Other Credits
Marketing strategists: Mads Toft and Chandra Benjamin Mostov Project Manager: Tanja Overgaard Account Director: Mads Toft
The task was to launch Club Matas, linking the exhaustive knowledge of what is bought where and when with active declarations of interest from customers.
Target Group
Women shopping at Matas one or more times a month. Campaign goals Between the launch of Club Matas on 27 August 2010 and until the New Year (95 days), the goal was to attract 150,000 new members to Club Matas and increase the average number of goods in every customer’s basket to index 102.
The message about the new club was mainly distributed via the Matas stores, flyers and at www.matas.dk. Customers could register at their local storeor online and every time they used their membership card for purchases in-store or online, they earned points for use in the Club Matas online points-shop.
The membership card also helped Matas offer their customers relevant promotions. When a card was scanned at the cash register, the shop assistant saw a number of messages targeted at the individual member. The sales receipt also contained individual messages to the member. Members also got personalised messages via direct mail, e-mail and texts.
More than 250 mini-campaigns with promotional offers, ideas, product samples, competitions etc. were developed and the individual member’s “My Page” on the internet had 100,000 possible combinations.
An important element of the programme was that each customer was associated with a favourite store. This, then, gave the stores a strong incentive to recruit members. For instance, the local stores could design invitations, promotions, etc., and send them to their members. The system ensured a high level of quality in the communications and also had a built-in control to ensure that no member received too many messages from Matas.
- Club Matas attracted 339,921 members in 95 days.
By March 2011, the membership had increased to more than 500,000.
One of the highest-scoring of the 59 nominated campaigns this year. An extremely well-conceived relationship-building idea that nicely integrated the marketing activity into the business strategy. It was terrific that all contact points with the customer were involved, including the staff at the stores. We thought the individualised messages at the cash register were particularly inspired.
It was a text-book study in how to use data to build relationships. The programme could be unrolled as rapidly as it was because everything was done properly from the outset.
As well as being a job well done by the agency, this campaign required considerable commitment from the company, who deserve credit for believing in it.