
The Danish Direct Marketing Awards 2013

Susanne Rose Plum

Issue 28 | September 2013

Directory is pleased to be able to showcase the 2013 DM Prisen, the Danish Direct Marketing Awards.

This was the 26th annual presentation with Danish Post as both host and sponsor. On the following pages we are delighted to show some of the winning campaigns. Here we ask Susanne Rose Plum, Head of Advertising and Media at Danish Post, and Chair of the DM Prisen jury, about the state of direct marketing in Denmark today. 


Overall, how would you describe this year’s winners?


The quality of the work we judged was very high. We evaluated campaigns against three equally important criteria: strategy, creativity, results.

I would say that this year, where we saw good results they were achieved through valuable insights attached to a razor-sharp strategy. Analogue and digital channels were integrated to an even greater extent than we have seen before and that was a common feature of almost all the campaigns we judged.


Is this trend reflected in the rest of the Danish direct marketing industry?


Yes, focussing on cross-media is a major general trend. In some markets people call this floating and seamless use of media ‘Nonline’. At Danish Post we welcome
this move towards cross-media interaction because we know the value of physical media. One of our recent studies shows that in integrated campaigns, opening rates are as high as 94%, which is very significant when you compare that with the rates of other channels.


How does direct marketing in Denmark compare with the standard of work abroad?


We have very talented direct marketers here, winning recognition at many awards shows including The ECHOs.

I’m convinced that the campaigns that have won at DM Prisen this year will also do
well at International awards shows.

To support new young talent, we have instigated the annual Student Award for the students who best display an understanding of our discipline.


Do you see any future trends emerging for DM in Denmark?


Big data! We are going to see more use of big data to
drive better insights into target audiences – who are
they, how do they experience the world, what are their preferences, how can we change their behaviours, and
so on? Understanding the data will be a prerequisite for making creative and effective campaigns in future. In this regard, I’m confident we Danes will be major league players.


Thank you.

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