Outdoor & Events

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder


Issue 2 | July 2008


Thousands of South Africans are killed annually from alcohol-related motorcar accidents. While consumers are bombarded each year by fear-based communications that desperately try to persuade people not to drink and drive, the problem persists. What does this tell us? You can’t change the drinking habits of South Africans. The Toot-n-Scoot Taxi Service takes another two crucial factors into account: South Africans don’t have a reliable public transport system. They would rather drive drunk than leave their cars unprotected overnight. What this innovative fold-away scooter service therefore focuses on is changing the driving habits of South Africans. However, awareness levels of the service were low. The client had very little money and as a result wanted a knock-n-drop leaflet. TEQUILA\ Johannesburg wanted to make a difference.

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