Mail & Door Drops

To Your Health!


Issue 58 | March 2021



Creative Team

Executive Creative Direction Nacho Guilló Creative Director Tania Riera Direct Marketing Antonio Herrero, Clara Fernández, Pablo de Castro

Production Team

AV Production Team Manuela Zamora, Cristina Cortizas

Other Credits

General Manager Lucía Angulo Account Team Magalí Cuccorese, Rafael Alarcón PR and Social Medi Eva Calo, Auxi Gutiérrez, Alberto González Clients Miguel Ángel Conesa, Francisco Domínguez, Ana Vázquez Vilotte, Raquel López Fernández, Laura Escudero Lorenzo, Julia Vicente Villar, Javier Higuera Romero, Francisco Javier Pérez García


December 2020


When raising a glass to each other, the Spanish use the word ‘salud’, meaning ‘health.’ In 2020, a year marred by Covid-19, Carrefour wanted people to think in the holiday season about the significance of saying ‘your health’ to each other.


Carrefour wanted to remind people of what ‘salud’ actually meant. In one of the spots, the voiceover said: “The next time you say it, really hear it. And look into the eyes of those around you, and say it out loud… " The campaign was made up of three films: 60” for the Internet, 30” and 20” for the TV and digital advertising.

Instore activities and promotions amplified the idea and the theme was taken across into social media under the umbrella of #TheMostImportantToast.

In Twitter, Carrefour invited its competitors to chink glasses metaphorically: "This year there is something very important that we want to wish everyone. And when we say everyone, we mean EVERYONE. To your health!” @alcampo @Aldi_es @DIA_Esp @ elcorteingles @lidlespaña @mercadona”.

On Instagram, Carrefour created a challenge for users to invite their friends and or family to share their toasts High-value customers, brand ambassadors (such as Fabián Masterchef, Curly Azahara, Mery Turiel and the Club de Malas Madres) and influencers were mailed a bottle of Cava, two glasses and invited to say ‘salud!’.


31 million people reached; 3.1 million views of the videos; 76% positive sentiment about the campaign with no negative comments.

Our Thoughts

When brands most resonate with customers is when they behave like human beings.

This is Carrefour simply being nice as Christmas approached, acknowledging that it had been a shi* year for everyone but raising a glass to friendship and good health. What could be nicer than receiving a bottle and a couple of glasses and being asked to do nothing more than drink to optimism and to renewal? This is a big and heartwarming idea at a time when several regions of Spain had announced tough restrictions.