Bad Guest
Liga Colombiana Contra el Cáncer
Issue 55 | August 2020
Sancho BBDO
Creative Team
Chief Creative Officers: Mario Lagos, Sergio León, Giovanni Martinez, Hugo Corredo Creative Directors: Sebastián Cuevas, Andrés Luque, Jhonny Victoria Copywriter: Julián Ochoa Art Director: Manuel Bedoya Camila Cabra Heynner Herrera
Production Team
Photographer: Gilber Franco Production Company: Macarena & Co
Other Credits
President: Carlos Felipe Arango Head of Planning: Juan Camilo Laverde Account: Vice President Natalia Perez
February 2020
With 650.000 hosts, it’s not unusual to find inside Airbnb cases of awful guests destroying properties all over the website. Pretty much the same way gastric cancer acts in our bodies. Silent at first, kind of unpleasant, but when it gets out of control it’s just devastating. So, the idea was to seek the worst guests you can imagine, to explain through all of them, what happens when cancer becomes unmanageable.
First, random profiles were selected and lodged in their homes guests who seemed harmless at the beginning but turned out to be a real pain in the ass as time went by. Just as cancer. All this chaos was recorded and used as an invitation for all host survivors, to share their bad guest stories with them. With all this content, radio spots, OOH were created and the platform was filled with fake apartments telling the stories of bad guests' survivors.
1.390.240 total reach 1.563.825 impressions 426.000 usd in earned media