
143 Day in PA

Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development

Issue 53 | January 2020


Red House Communications

Creative Team

Strategy: Matt Blint Creative Director: Marla Solnik Sr. Art Director: Jorge Puron Sr. Art Director: Justin Clawson Copywriter: Sean O’Connor

Production Team

Video Production: Commonwealth Media Services Web Development: Wahila Creative Music Performed By: FRZY Music Produced By: Darrin Grant Music Originally Composed By: Fred Rogers

Other Credits

Client Credits: Deputy Secretary: Carrie Lepore Social Media and PR Credits: Tierney


May 2019


On May 23, 2019, the 143rd day of the year, Pennsylvania invited the world to join neighbors, family and loved ones in celebrating a day of kindness and gratitude. One four three had a special meaning to one of Pennsylvania’s most beloved residents – Fred Rogers. To Mister Rogers, One-Four-Three represented the words: I Love You. One for the letter “I”, four for the four letters in “Love”, and three for the three letters in “You.” On this day, residents were asked to simply show kindness and gratitude to one another, full stop.


I love you. Three simple words that can fill the heart. Eight characters that can lift a spirit. I. Love. You. 1-4-3. A number that symbolizes love, kindness and gratitude. It’s simple. On the 143rd day of the year, take a moment and think of someone who has helped you become the person that you are. If you want, reach out and tell them. Or, you can remind someone that you love them and appreciate them. It’s one small step to showing how love, kindness and gratitude live in Pennsylvania 143/365. In this way, Pennsylvania can radiate kindness, love and gratitude out into the world, in honor of our favorite neighbor – Mister Rogers. To help spur people to action, a quick microsite was developed that had a kindness generator to give people ideas. Schools and other community organizations were notified in advance of the day. Without a paid media budget, the press were notified and asked to carry the message of 143 Day to the Commonwealth. Pennsylvanian’s were given license to express their kindness and gratitude in whatever form they were able.


The campaign itself was planned to occur on one day – May 23, 2019 – but ended up reaching far beyond the 143rd day of the year. With a budget of $0: • 988 news articles published and picked up for a total of 953,388,032 media impressions • 22 individual broadcast news stories across the state • Published in every major PA newspaper, in addition to the New York Magazine, Smithsonian,, Paste Magazine and others. • 17,100 twitter mentions over a 24-hour period generating 105.3 million impression to the #143DayinPA hashtag • 11,095 Facebook engagements generating 311,648 impressions • Thousands of photos and drawings and videos from children and citizens around the state celebrating • 1 phone call from David Newell (Mr. McFeely) to Joanne Rogers wishing her a Happy 143 Day