Historic Rubble
Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois
Issue 5 | July 2008
OgilvyOne worldwide Chicago
Creative Team
David Hernandez - Creative Director;Sam Spratlin - Art Director ;John Kistner - Copywriter
Production Team
More and more of Chicago's architectural landmarks are quietly falling victim to Chicago politics and the quest for the next high-rise condo development. To halt the wrecking ball, Landmarks Illinois needed to speak one-on-one with key influencers and policy shapers within the city to raise awareness of the travesty as well as funds to help save what is still standing.
OgilvyOne worldwide's idea was to place a piece of historic rubble in someone's hand and let them feel what once was. They sent key Chicago influencers and policy shapers a weighty direct mail package covered with a picture of one of Chicago's historic landmarks. Upon opening the package, the recipient symbolically destroys a historic Chicago building in the process. A piece of the actual demolished building pictured on the package is enclosed, along with its story. The recipient is encouraged to meet with Landmarks Illinois and learn what influence and support can be used to help protect Chicago's architectural history.
Preliminary results indicate an increase in success with arranging 'sit downs' with key policymakers and influencers, as well as an upswing in memberships and donations.
Target Audience
Key Chicago influencers and policy shapers
Fewer than 100
Our Thoughts
Not only is the shock factor of getting a lump of rubble through the mailbox an interesting feature of this mailing, the sheer fact that the recipient destroys the building it’s originally from (albeit a label image of it) makes this campaign especially effective.