
LG G2 Smart Banners


Issue 31 | June 2014


M&C Saatchi, Stockholm

Creative Team

M&C Saatchi, Stockholm

Production Team

Bombay Works


October 2013 – March 2014


In fall 2013, LG launched the new G2 Smartphone. It was quicker, smarter, had better display and longer battery time.


The challenge was to get users of other smartphones to consider a LG G2. Not easy since users of iPhones, Galaxys and HTCs tend to be loyal to their brands.

The solution was to confront them on their own phones with evidence of how much better the LG G2 was than the phone in their hands.

Smart banner ads used recognition technology to sense the mobile device being used and deliver a customised message that mocked the shortcomings of their competitor.

AN HTC One banner, for instance, suggested the user would get 30% longer battery life with a G2. iPhone users got a message,'Hard to read this?', which promoted the G2's larger screen.


In Scandinavia, the banners click-through was 830% above average CTR. (*Source Havas Media). After only five days, the banners were being talked about on 7,130 blogs, tech forums and in newspapers worldwide. Reaching 184 million people, the estimated PR value was €4.3m.

Our Thoughts

Recognition technology is so-o-o interesting, don’t you think? If I know where you are thanks to GPS, if I know where you’ve been, thanks to the cookies I’ve left on your device, and if I now know exactly what sort of device that is, then I can deliver messages that are precisely targeted and relevant. This is very smart stuff.