Pleasure Hunt – 5 Lost Kisses
Issue 27 | June 2013
Lowe Brindfors
Creative Team
Executive Creative Director Rickard Villard Creative Director Patrik Westerdahl Petter Lublin Copywriter Henrik Haeger Account Manager Jessica Nordlund Anna Tanser Wohlin Technical Producer Tobias Lofgren
Production Team
Production House B-Reel Production Sound Plan8
Other Credits
Account Director Tina Jarlerud Strategic Director Oscar Erlandsson Digital Producer Sofia Johnsson SVP Core Impulse Brands Ice Cream Mick van Ettinger Global Brand VP Sophie Galvani Global Senior Brand Development Manager Alper Eroglu Global Assistant Brand Development Manager Camilla Scognamiglio
April 2013
In 2011 and in 2012 Magnum had supported their range of ice-creams with ‘Pleasure Hunt’ games which had been incredibly successful, attracting more than 23 million unique visitors to the Magnum website.
The brief was to support the new Magnum 5 Kisses range, inspired by French patisseries, with a third game in the ‘Pleasure Hunt’ series.
Magnum’s core brand fans were identified as ‘pleasure seekers’ who had grown up with and still loved video games.
Asking the user to download an app was a hard sell so the game designers set out to see how far they could push HTML5.
‘Pleasure Hunt – 5 lost kisses’ turned the tables on the classic computer game story of prince saves princess.
Five separate games for both desktop and mobile were based on the princess must save the prince storyline.
Seamlessness for the user was the objective, so that a click on a shared link or an ad would lead straight to an engaging, fully interactive experience.
In mobile, the game worked on a horizontal scroll platform, which allowed full interactivity, beautiful visual effects and full interactivity.
The game can be played at: pleasurehunt3.mymagnum.com
‘Pleasure Hunt – 5 lost kisses’ was launched on April 16 2013, so at the time of this submission no results were available. The objectives were to beat the numbers of the previous campaigns – increasing average dwelltime from three minutes established by 23 million visitors from 27 countries.
Our Thoughts
What I love about this is how very un-Unilever it is. It’s an idea they would have found impossible to research in Preview so it needed someone in the band team to be very brave as well as very convinced it would work.
But that’s the way advertising is going. Create a campaign in Beta and just put it out there. If it doesn’t work, pull it and no-one’s much the wiser. If it does gain traction, then throw more money at it and develop it. And that’s what’s happened here. This third iteration of the ‘Pleasure Hunt’ games is by far the best and will not only be seized upon by existing Magnum fans, it will pull in large numbers of new ones.
All Unilever can do now is hope for a long hot summer.