What would Bill Bernbach think? 2.
Issue 15 | June 2010
Lean Mean Fighting Machine
Creative Team
Creative Directors: Sam Ball, Dave Bedwood; Creative Team: Tom Langdon
Other Credits
Account Manager: Paul Vincent;
October 2009
The objective was to bypass mainstream media channels, which tended to ignore the Liberal Democrats, by creating a provocative piece of work lampooning the two other parties.
Speechbreaker presented users with a fridge magnet-like array of words for David Cameron, leader of the Conservative party, for Gordon Brown, Prime Minister and leader of the Labour party, and for Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrats.
The words were all taken from their actual conference speeches.
At the website, visitors can create and share their own speeches for the three leaders. Having created a speech, they could email their speech to a friend, or automatically upload it to YouTube.
Within a week, 2,000 speeches had been upload - surpassing the YouTube channel's limit.
Few speeches were made for the Lib Dem's Nick Clegg. That was because only four words were available for the visitor to use for him - Liberal, The, Choose, and Democrats.
With Speechbreaker, satire was in the hands of the electorate.
The campaign was initiated with a short-burst of seeding started at 6am on Friday and ended 12 hours later. The most influential political bloggers around the UK and the rest of the world were targeted with personalised Speechbreaker messages; likewise media outlets, Internet humour sites, and technology sites. In a similar way, the most influential Twitteratii were targeted in an effort to engage the likes of John Prescott, Guido Fawkes, and Iain Dale.
Within one week:
32,000 unique visitors to the site.
2,000 user-generated videos.
#7 Most Viewed Channel of the Day (day after launch).
Over 6,000 tweets and re-tweets.