Broadcast, Press & Inserts

Spotify News – Performance Edition


Issue 53 | December 2019



Creative Team

Executive Creative Director: Vico Benevides Creative Directors: Rodrigo Strozenberg, Denis Peralta Art Directors: Leticia Rodrigues, Fabio Ferreira, Daniel Matsumoto Copywriter: Andre Savastano

Production Team

RTV: Marina Fridman, Yasmin Mattos Filmmaker: Regis Fernandez Motion, Edition: Daniel Matsumoto Audio: A9

Other Credits

Client Service: Martin Zucchini, Valeria Coutinho, Beatriz Altafini Media: Rafael Amorim, Marcelo Marujo, Camila Carvalho


September 2019


According to the Harvard Business Review, C-level executives faced a more acute scarcity of time than anyone else.

Trying to keep abreast of affairs was not easy while getting quick, credible information was close to impossible in the era of fake news.


Designed for an accelerated lifestyle, the new Ford Edge ST inspired an innovative partnership between Ford and Estadão, Brazil’s largest news publisher.

The perfect car for senior executives who value their time and access to information, the Edge ST offered Spotify News – Performance Edition.

The project transformed the print version of Estadão’s daily paper into audio tracks on Spotify.

To make this possible, Estadão created a new team that adapted the print news to an audio version narrated by journalists.

Each section had its own album, each news story had its own track. When the newspaper hit the stands in the morning, the audio files were made available simultaneously on Spotify.



Our Thoughts

As brands learn to collaborate with each other they are discovering completely new ways of winning both the admiration and trust of their customers.

This is a first for everyone. Estadão remains the media owner but has been given a new way of delivering the news; Ford provides the platform through their in-car audio systems but now have a new way of relating to their drivers; and Spotify has its firstever newscast.

Everyone gets something out of the arrangement, including Edge drivers, who now get the news without lies, without crap music and without wittering DJs. Exactly what I’ve been looking for.