Mail & Door Drops

Carry Us Through

Isle of Man Post Office

Issue 55 | June 2020


Glazier Design, London

Creative Team

Creative Director Ben Glazier Concept creator Ben Glazier Graphic and Digital Designer Emma Newton Digital Designer Sarah Thompson


Date of Issue, May 4th 2020


The Isle of Man Government wanted a message of support for people who kept working for the common good during the crisis and a message of hope for the world.


The list of people who contributed to keep the Isle of Man safe is endless. Rather than identify the many different professions and workers or the countless acts of kindness, the idea was to identify the most important themes of the time. Messages of hope were designed around the values that would “Carry Us Through.” Those values were Care, Compassion, Community, Faith, Science, Words and Work.

The brief was issued on the second Monday of lockdown. By the end of the day, the client had received proofs.

From concept to completion took 48 hours. Royal Approval swiftly followed and the stamps arrived from the printer in time for a PR campaign and launch in under a month.


The stamps were launched by the Chief Minister of the Isle of Man on May 4th. The government got behind the message and pre-sales were at a high level before launch. Much PR was generated to help spread the word.

Our Thoughts

In all of this, almost unnoticed, postal workers around the world have continued to deliver the mail each day. What a brilliant idea to turn every envelope posted from the Isle of Man into a piece of outdoor. The stamps provide both a charmingly innovative way the Manx government can thank its own people and a disarming way they can share their values with potential visitors.