Broadcast, Press & Inserts

Drive responsibly


Issue 54 | March 2020


BBDO Belgium

Creative Team

Creative directors: Arnaud Pitz, Sebastien De Valck Creative team: Frederik Clarysse, Tom Jacobs, Johan Van Oeckel Strategy: Sofie Verstreken

Production Team

Head of RTV: Patricia Van De Kerckhove Production: Marlies Neudt, Eva Segers Video editor: Neil Skeet Sound production: Nicolas Van Poeck Sound engineer: Mathieu Schots Final art: Tom Nackaerts, Lut Van Lombeek

Other Credits

Account team: Lore Desmet, Lieselot De Fraine, Janne Aerts Client contacts: Josse Peremans, Fleur Poets, Pascaline Van de Perre


December 2019


In 1992, Belgian Brewers added a warning message to their commercials: "Beer brewed with love is to be consumed with care." After 27 years of airing this message, Belgium still has one of the worst drinking and driving records. Causing more than 150 deaths a year. 1 in 4 Belgian drivers admits to driving under the influence in the past month.


That’s why Belgian’s biggest beer brand jupiler introduced a new warning message: "Cars built with love are to be used with care." But they didn’t air it during their own ads. They bought the media space right behind car ads. On radio and tv. The messages were aired in the peak period for car ads just before the Brussels Car Expo.


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