Kid’s Book Collection
Itaú Bank
Issue 41 | December 2016
Africa, Sao Paulo
Creative Team
Chief Creative Officer Sergio Gordilho Executive Creative Directors Eco Moliterno Alvaro Rodrigues Rafael Pitanguy Creative Directors Eco Moliterno Rafael Ziggy Sergio Gordilho Copywriters Rafael Ziggy Thiago Brunelli Art Directors Eco Moliterno Paulo Medeiros Feijão Tomaz Saavedra
Production Team
Project Manager Guilherme de Oliveira Project Producers Rafael Coelho Rafaela Madeira Author Marcelo Rubens Paiva Reviser Rosali Petrof Art Buyer Carmen Castillo Illustrator Alexandre Rampazzo Agency Producers Rodrigo Ferrari Stella Gafo
Other Credits
Client Services Marcio Santoro Celina Esteves Cecilia Duarte Tariana Cruz Pedro Laguardia Gabriel Ferrari Media Luiz Fernando Vieira, Francisco Custodio Paulo Ilha Caroline Tanzillo Sofia Raucci Planning Team Marina Pires Felipe Cruz Platform Support (Facebook) Mauro Cavalletti Rapha Vasconcellos Mark D’Arcy Claudia Martinez de Faria
June 2016
For over 25 years Itaú, one of the largest banks in Latin America, had believed in the importance of education. Their "Read to a child" project had distributed 40 million books free.
The problem was that Brazilians were spending less time reading books and more time on Facebook.
If everybody was on Facebook, why not put books there too?
That thought led directly to the Kid's Book Collection, interactive books for children which were displayed on the perfect shelf: their parents' newsfeeds on Facebook.
Using Facebook's new rich media format Canvas, instead of being served advertising, parents were served kids' books.
Best selling authors such as Marcelo Rubens Paiva and Luis Fernando Verissimo wrote the stories.
Using advertising targeting techniques, the books were delivered to the right audience – parents of young children – at the right time – around bedtime.
Online ads and content creators raised awareness of the importance of reading to children. It could be as easy as reading a post on Facebook.
People shared this story not only with their kids but with everyone else.
In one week, 18 million people were reached. There were 22,000 shares, which was 600% above average. There were more than 5,000 comments and 99% of them were positive.
Kid's Book Collection completed over 244,000 hours of reading time. In other words, it was an experience that really made families read and spend some time together.
Our Thoughts
Many people think that ‘programmatic’ is a word that spells doom for creativity in advertising.
Personally, I think it just means right message to the right people at the right time and this is exactly what this idea delivers. Precision targeting matched with perfect timing. Itaú isn’t just delivering a delightful experience in the books, which are delightful by the way. It is creating a special experience for mums and dads at bedtime, helping families spend time together.
This is invisible creativity. Nothing overtly flashy but an idea which has got many Brazilians thinking warmly about a bank. And that is not an easy thing to accomplish.