Outdoor & Events

It’s time to change perspective

Terre des Hommes Italia

Issue 59 | June 2021


ACNE Milan

Creative Team

Executive creative directors: Emanuele Viora, Andrea Jaccarino Manager: Fabrizio Marvulli Head of social media: Sabrina Santoro Strategist: Vasco Barros Bertoldi Art Director: Anna Clara Fanesi Copywriter: Marco Tomirotti Account: Paula Galic Editor: Gabriele Silvestro

Production Team

Director: Filippo Castellano Executive producer: Tommaso Fajdiga Producer: Silvia Fazio Junior producer: Elisabetta Zecca Set designer: Benedetta Brentan Builder: Sergio Porta Digital sculptors: Giovanni Mauro, Roberto Digiglio, Camilla Grassotto


8th March 2021 – International Women’s Day


In Milan, as in most of Italy, almost every statue is dedicated to a male figure. And yet, history is full of women who deserve their own monument. Dedicating more statues to women and girls is important because, in this way, they become role model able to inspire new generations towards an equal future.


On International Women's Day – 8 March – Terre des Hommes presents in Italy the first mini outdoor campaign that invites citizens to look at the monuments in their cities from a different point of view: the female one, relaunching a petition to build a statue dedicated to girls who have been victims of violence.

Just look around: in Milan, as in most of Italy, almost every statue is dedicated to a male figure. And yet, history is full of women who deserve their own monument. Terre des Hommes brings out a new perspective, literally: 3 installations, 3 special billboards placed in 3 squares in Milan that allow the viewer - thanks to perspective - to visually "replace" the current statues with a female alternative.

"We don't want to replace the statues" says Paolo Ferrara, general manager of Terre Des Hommes Italy "but to offer the people in Milan a new point of view. We believe that stories such as that of Malala, Nobel prize and symbol of the rights of all girls, or Nandhini, who escaped from her forced marriage, or even Rita Levi Montalcini, source of inspiration for an entire generation of female scientists, are just some of those that deserve a monument, because they can inspire new generations towards an equal future".

Not just a campaign: the installations are invitations to the community to reflect on the importance of having monuments dedicated to great female personalities, and to sign a petition asking the municipality of Milan to build a statue dedicated to them.


• +3000 signatures on the petition • Support from institutional representatives, celebrities and journalists • Huge social media impact